A.XMI. Xavier Miserachs Archive
Exhibition. MACBA. 12 Nov. 2015 – 28 Mar. 2016
In 2011 MACBA received on loan the archive of Xavier Miserachs, consisting of some 60,000 negatives, 20,000 slides, 2,500 contact sheets, correspondence and other documents that reflect the development of the photographer’s career between 1954 and 1998.
The exhibition A.XMI, a title taken from the identification code of the Xavier Miserachs Fonds in MACBA’s Archive, will make available to the public a selection of photographs, documents, books and magazines, together with an overview of the working processes that the Archive of the MACBA Study Centre undertook in order to incorporate, catalogue and publicise this important photographic collection.
Among the documents of the Xavier Miserachs Fonds included in this exhibition, of particular note are those that were used to produce the most relevant photobooks in the history of photography in our country: Barcelona, blanc i negre, Costa Brava Show and Los cachorros.
Together with these projects, the exhibition also aims to highlight the variety of fields in which Miserachs developed his career, such as advertising and publishing commissions, his intense production as a photojournalist, portraits of a private nature and of personalities from the socio-cultural world, photographs of the daily lives of the bourgeoisie and the working classes, as well as cinematographic projects.
With the aim of broadening the knowledge and preservation of the documents, a selection of the photographic images in the Fonds has been digitalised and can be consulted in the exhibition’s reading spaces.
The complete Fonds is available for consultation at the Archive and Library of the MACBA Study Centre.
Curated by: Marta Vega and Maite Muñoz