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CategoryLa Ruta del Bakalao: Museo del Remember (1985-2012)
PUBLICATION – A project by Vista Oral with Rubén Hernández, Susana Oliva and Colpa Press. ory of the cultural and musical movement that took place in and around Valencia’s dance clubs from the early 1980s to the late ’90s.
Text for Desplega Visions by Quim Bigas
TEXT – A text I wrote in Spanish for the book Desplega Visions by the artist, researcher and choreographer Quim Bigas around the idea of the body as archive
El archivo de arte y sus fronteras
INTERVIEW – In 2015, when I was the Head of Archive at the Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, I was interviewed by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya about the archive and it’s limits