Things I Do
CategoryThe Social Life of Ghosts by Marria Pratts
TEXT – Introductory text for the book “The Social Life of Ghosts” by Marria Pratts, published by Progresso Books, 2022
Santeri Letho – Lifestyle
TEXT – Brief text for the exhibition “Lifestyle” by artist Santeri Letho at Alzueta Gallery
La Ruta del Bakalao: Museo del Remember (1985-2012)
PUBLICATION – A project by Vista Oral with Rubén Hernández, Susana Oliva and Colpa Press. ory of the cultural and musical movement that took place in and around Valencia’s dance clubs from the early 1980s to the late ’90s.
Repair Manuals and Cosmic Sounds. Self-publishing to Heal the Entire Universe
EXHIBITION – Repair manuals and cosmic sounds is an expanded exhibition proposal that displays a necessarily incomplete and subjective selection of graphic, textual and sound publications that use collective and experimental self publishing to address the emergencies of the climate crisis and the self-management of resources.
Texts for Manual MACBA – Archive / Mail Art / Unlimited Edition
TEXT – I wrote three texts to illustrate some of the concepts of the book ‘Manual’ for MACBA
RWM – Teal Triggs
PODCAST – In this podcast, Teal Triggs talks about the historical background of zines and their key role in generating communities outside of the mainstream, from community newsletters to dada publications by way of science-fiction, 1950s rock and roll, and activist zines. Triggs also looks at the relationship between technology and aesthetics, and discusses the Riot Grrrl movement and the language and visual universe that opened up as a result of the cross between music, DIY, activisim, femininity, and feminism in the self-publishing world.
I’m Building a Geodesic Power Structure. Clinic/Encounter on Print and Sound Self-Publishing
This event was conceived as a discursive space, set midway between a clinic and a science fair, a laboratory to interrogate and expose the experience of producing spaces of encounter for independent managers and other agents involved in the production process of such content
Legible-Visible. Between the Film Frame and the Page
PUBLICATION – Legible – Visible explores the relationship between artists’ print publications and audiovisual works, two of the most important media underpinning the social and cultural landscape of our time.
The Boundary Condition. About the Archive and its Limits
SEMINAR – In mathematics, the conditions of the contour arise in the context of differential equations and allude to the connection between an unlimited domain and a limited domain, to the conditions of border and confinement versus infinite optionality. Due to its similarity, this image can be used to think about the complex articulation that takes place between three of the foundational and fundamental elements of the museum, such as its artistic collections, the documentary archive and the library.
Sampler #2. This is Mail Art
EXHIBITION – Sampler #2. This is Mail Art brings together a series of contents from the MACBA Archive relating to artistic practices that treat sending things by mail as a distribution system.
Archives of the Commons 2. The Anomic Archive
TALK – Intervention at “Archives of the Commons 2. The Anomic Archive”, International Seminar, hold at Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, MNCARS.
RWM — Lizzie Borden
PODCAST – We talked to Lizzie Borden about inductive and deductive filmmaking, about filming without a script, about the importance of editing, about style, about the use of documentary strategies in fiction films, about alternative distribution as a form of activism, about the lack of women in the film world and about her notion of television as the future of audiovisual media.
Sampler #1. Documents on the Stage
EXHIBITION – “Sampler #1. Documents on the Stage” presents a set of materials from the collections and documentary fonds of the Macba Archive, as a daily exercise in opening contents that usually remain hidden by the conditions of conservation and access proper to archival procedure.
RWM – Staples and Ink. Some reflections on the small press boom in the art world
PODCAST – Before the bubble bursts, we speak to Kit Hammonds and Bernhard Cella about the boom, the recovery of supposedly obsolete printing techniques, the risk-aversion of institutional art collections, about professionalisation and about digital generation. We also look at some of the strategies they have used to explore the medium, which range from placing the book at the centre of the exhibition space, to inventing bizarre taxonomies, turning stolen books into artworks, and being seduced by the eroticism of publication raves.
Antonio González: El camino del salvaje
TEXTO – El mundo en el que vivimos es un disparate. Hace tiempo que lo asumí. Vivo en la contradicción constante, incómoda por no saber estar fuera de esta sociedad del espectáculo que tanto repudio. Pero que no suene catastrofista, que de lo que quiero hablar aquí es de lo que nos salva de todo eso, de lo que llamamos arte (el de verdad), de lo que es fin en sí mismo, finalidad sin fin. El trabajo de Antonio González es de esos, un refugio.
Collective Comment About The Paperweight Made by Enric Farrés Duran
TALK – Such a pleasure to be part of the conversation about Enric Farrés’s work with those three amazing guys that respond to the name of Marc Ligos, Borja Bagunyà and Enric Farrés himself.
Archiving The Immaterial: Old Problems, New Challenges
TEXT – Published in Transfigurations. Curatorial and Artistic Research in an Age of Migrations. London: Royal College of Arts, 2014.
Coleccionismo, pasión y fotocopias. Políticas, tecnologías y estrategias de un (an)archivo
TEXTO – El coleccionismo y la archivística que hoy nos ocupan no se pueden entender sin la pasión de las personas responsables de que una recopilación de fragmentos en apariencia inconexos se convierta en un fenómeno necesario.
About Salvation Mountain
About Twenty Six Gasoline Stations